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Month: July 2024

Global Piracy Trends: Canada Rises as a Hotspot, Brazil Shows Signs of Decline

In 2023, an astonishing 141 billion visits to pirate sites were recorded worldwide, underscoring a significant global trend. To better understand these shifts, let’s explore how piracy patterns are evolving in various countries. Canada has emerged as a key hotspot…

Pirated Movies Surge on YouTube, Garnering Millions of Views Through Compromised Channels

Despite YouTube and rights holders’ relentless efforts to curb piracy, some users continue to find and upload pirated movies on the platform. However, a recent and unusual trend has emerged: dormant channels, some inactive for over 15 years, or new…

Sony’s Ancient Lawsuit vs. Cheat Device Heads in Right Direction – Sony’s Defeat

Software rightly receives protection under copyright law, but Sony seeks a ruling against Datel that would outlaw the modification of variables generated by software that exist only in RAM and form no part of the underlying copyrighted source code. Datel’s software ran alongside games like Motorstorm Arctic Edge, modifying values in memory to alter gameplay.